Scott Jedlinski also known as “Jedi” which is a very cool nickname to have, better than “gopher”..Scott is the brains and teacher for the Modern Samurai Project which is his training company.  His primary focus is teaching students the fundamentals of shooting their handguns with mini red dot sights or RDS.  Red dots on handguns are here and will be the future of shooting.  Jedi also competes in USPSA as a Master class shooter in Carry Optics.  He uses competition as a way to becoming a better shooter.

Scott is a strong proponent of hand to hand combat and regularly studies Brazilian jiu-jitsu.  The similarity between BJJ and shooting is something Jedi teaches to his students.  Finally, Scott is a sponsored shooter and shoots for Agency Arms with their Glock 34. 

Three takeaways from today’s episode are 1) proving that red dot sights can shoot fine in the rain 2) Cat Crap is not from the litter box but is actually a great product that keeps glass from fogging up and 3) you can run a compensated pistol as an every day carry gun.

I am very excited to bring you an up in coming instructor today, so let’s get into the interview.

Links mentioned in the episode:

Also, great news!

The 2017 Shooter’s Summit launches on Dec. 17th!

Click here for the 2016 Shooter’s Summit to get 23 of these kind of interviews with the top firearms instructors!

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