Ava Flanell is the host of the Gun Funny Podcast and is the owner and instructor at Elite Firearms and Training in Colorado.  Ava became an instructor after leaving the fast paced world of New York City and moved back to Colorado after her mother (who was also a firearms instructor) passed away.  Ava learned to shoot from her mother and took on the mantle of becoming a very successful firearms instructor herself, which is her full time job.  She also produces and hosts the Gun Funny Podcast where Ava and her host, Shawn Herrin talk to other members of the firearms world and get in a prank call as well.  Ava has worked her way up in the male dominated firearms world and is a very down to Earth role model.

Links mentioned in the episode:

The Gun Funny Podcast https://gunfunny.com/

Elite Firearms and Training https://elitefirearmsandtraining.com/

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